Carriers (think AT&T, Verizon, etc) have strict policies about what types of content can be sent via text.

They have precautions and automatic filters in place that can block your messages from being sent - clearly something you want to avoid!

On top of that, once carriers start filtering messages from your phone number... often ALL messages sent from that phone start getting filtered, regardless of their "spammy" nature.

Roezan has sent millions of messages and we get to see what gets delivered and what doesn't.

So over time, we've developed these, somewhat unorthodox, best practices for sending messages.

Note: We constantly update this article as we discover new tips and tricks and as carriers change!

Using these suggestions won't 100% guarantee that your messages won't get filtered - but they will GREATLY reduce the likelihood.

Plus they are simple to follow!

Here's what we suggest for every text you send.

Don't skimp on these!

Let's go:

1) Always Identify The Sender

This is a requirement - each message must identify the sender.

For example, you can say:

Hey %FIRST_NAME%, This is Clayton from Roezan.

2) Customize Texts With Dynamic First Names

This small tweak is immensely helpful!

When you use the dynamic first name (%FIRST_NAME%) in the text, Roezan creates each text message dynamically and customizes it for each recipient.


Hey %FIRST_NAME%, This is Clayton from Roezan.

This helps with deliverability because carriers see each message as unique, as opposed to a blast to everyone.

3) Avoid Using Popular Link Shorteners

Common link shorteners like, etc often get abused by spammers, and so carriers can identify these as spam and filter your messages.

Instead, use your normal full link, or create a custom link shorter. has a custom domain option that allows you to do this.

You can also use Roezan's built-in link shortener!

4) Avoid Spammy / Obviously Promotional Keywords

Some keywords may trigger filtering, so avoid obvious spammy words and phrases like:


Make money

$5000 (or any dollar amount)

Save money


Also avoid banned / prohibitied subjects:

  • Cypto, cryptocurrency & related
  • Firearms
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana / Cannabis / CBD
  • Vape

Try to make sure your messages are benign.

Don't worry, you don't need crazy claims in your messages for SMS to be effective.

5) Avoid Irregular Capitalization (No All Caps Words)

Avoid messages with irregular capitalization.

For example, avoid messages like this:


Also, avoid all-caps words - this also can increase the chances of filtering:

Hey Clayton, check out our NEW Webinar!

6) Do Not Put Links At The End Of The Message

Avoid putting links at the end of the message, and instead add a sign-off. You can also finish your messages with opt-out text as a best practice.

Hey, Thanks for subscribing. 

Check out this link:

Reply stop to stop

Spammy texts often end with a link, so it's good to have something AFTER the link.

7) Avoid Emojis

It's best to avoid emojis to maximize deliverability. Since emoji's aren't universal, it can decrease deliverability.

Additionally, they can often change the encoding of your message, therefore increasing the segments your messages use. By using emojis you could potentially double the cost of your messages! 

8) Spell Check & Grammar Check

Make sure all spelling and grammar are correct and try to avoid any slang or strange phrasing.

9) Include Opt-Out Instructions

It's always good to include opt-out instructions, and some carriers actively say that they look to increase filtering on messages that do not contain opt-out instructions.

We suggest including opt-out instructions on all broadcast messages. 

The general guideline is that there should be opt-out instructions on the "first message of a conversation. However, it may be unnecessary on follow up messages in the same conversation (for example if you're chatting back and forth via conversations).

Here's an example line to include at the bottom:

Reply STOP to stop.

10) Important: Test Your Messages Before Broadcasting

We've experimented quite a bit to nail down what actually triggers filtering, and sometimes there is no obvious specific reason.

One way to help ensure your messages get delivered is to test by sending yourself the same message before sending the broadcast.

In the conversations tab, find your phone number and send yourself the message.

If the message turns green, that means it was sent successfully.

If the message turns red, that means it was not sent successfully. Try changing up the message until you're able to get it to go through.